Inspired by this post at Feminist Gamers and this post on The IRIS Network forums, I decided to take an old post of mine and turn it into a bingo scorecard.

Basically the rules are that when you see a media article, blog post, or anything else talking about women in relation to a geeky hobby (gaming, technology, science, etc) you pull out this scorecard and mark down which points the article touches on. If you get three in a row (diagonal counts), you win! If you get blackout, you win even more!
What do you win? Well, the satisfaction of knowing that you have made fun of yet another stupid article on women geeks. You can also link your scorecard (and any post that you made in relation to the bingo — using the scorecard isn’t mandatory, but I think it’s a cute visual) on this thread and, if you do a post, I might just highlight it here or on TIN’s forums.
Too TOO funny! I’m going to have to print one of those out for future reference. ^^
I love it! Also thought you might be interested in this:
and I wanted to hear your thoughts on the DS Nintendo Lite (pink, and advertised by a woman cuddling her Cat in delight at winning a level?!)
Sorry I’ve not been around for a while – family trouble is keeping me away.
After seeing this yesterday, today I read this article and I was expecting to fill in all the boxes. Instead, it’s actually (gasp) not bad. Also, written by a woman.
Heh! You are pretty funny and cool :). Nevertheless, it is sad that this is actually the case.
I admit I was astonished at the bashing and ridicule of Jade Raymond, which I came to know in here. Yes, she is a beauty, but so what? That has no relation to her work and there is no reason why there should be a relation; Christian Rossetti was handsome and that did not meant that he was unable to produce great works in literature and painting. I thought we were too educated and civilized for this silliness to prevail in this century.
P.S: In a previous post (that of BK) I meant mix or join, not fix. I thought the loose posts to look messy, anyway.
P.S 2: Rossetti :P,