Q: What’s this all about?
A: Back in December, Rosie did a racist impression of the “Chinese” language. The following are some links from reappropriate which detail quite nicely this debacle. If you want more thorough coverage on the issue, I suggest you plug in rosie to reappropriate’s search engine, as Jenn has some good link roundups.
Some helpful links:
Rosie O’Donnell’s “ching chong†moment
Rosie O’Donnell’s Publicist Tells Asians to Get A Sense of Humour
Racism Abounds Following Rosie
Rosie O’Donnell Apologizes
Via Bonasi’s Realm….
I tried the vid posted above, and recieved a message stating that the video is not available. Tailrank has a copy of the video, which I’m listening to as I type this.