17 thoughts on “It's my birthday and I'll blog if I want to.

  1. Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone! 🙂

    Am I right in wishing you a happy quarter-century? Young’un. ^^

    I alternate between thinking I’m no more than a baby and thinking, “Holy shit I’m old!” Of course, part of that might be that I just had a conversation where I had to explain the game Scorched Earth, which involved me saying, “Back before Windows…”

  2. Haha my rent-a-car birthday was last year. It’s not quite as good as being able to legally drink or legally vote, is it? Have a good one!

  3. I alternate between thinking I’m no more than a baby and thinking, “Holy shit I’m old!” Of course, part of that might be that I just had a conversation where I had to explain the game Scorched Earth, which involved me saying, “Back before Windows…”

    I remember DOS-only, but not Scorched Earth. Would you say it’s worth trying to find in ROM format?

  4. Scratch that, tekanji. I do remember Scorched Earth, just not the name. That was good stuff, and pretty darned good at teaching geometry via trajectories, too!

  5. “Of course, part of that might be that I just had a conversation where I had to explain the game Scorched Earth, which involved me saying, “Back before Windows…””

    ROFL, welcome to the grandma gamer set, before you know it you’ll be comparing modern RPGs to things made by Infogrames and exclaiming “Back in my day, we didn’t have pictures, you had to use your imagination! You kids and your Warcraft!”

    Happy Birthday

  6. Oh shoot, sorry for the double commenting, but anyone interested in playing Scorched Earth should check out Gunbound, which is a cute adaptation for online play.

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