So, I’m behind on my homework, applications for various things (from the JLPT to the schools I want to go to) are in less than two weeks, and all I can think of is that I want to graduate some of my sims from college because they’ve been there waaay too long already.
So, in summary, I’m going on break. To those of you who have comments in moderation awaiting my attention, I’m sorry but you’ll have to wait. If I can find someone else to take them on, I’ll publish them and let them deal with it. But if you want an answer from me, you’ll have to wait until my brain isn’t screaming, “DEAR GODS NO! DON’T MAKE ME DO THE THINKING THING ANYMORE!”
ETA: Please enjoy this movie while you wait (breathlessly I’m sure) for me to resume my blogging ways:
Via ‘Cause Knowledge is Power (which has a fairly accurate transcript of the poem).
Ooh, thanks for sharing the video!
Good luck!
My brain screams that at me all the time 🙁 Good luck indeed!