Carnival of Empty Cages: First Call for Submissions

I am hosting the second issue of the Carnival of Empty Cages here on June 1, 2006. You can submit posts via the web form or E-mailing at by May 30, 2006.

To quote my original pre-call:

The issue’s theme will be passion. What animal liberation or veganism/vegetarianism gets you going? Spending time with your companion animals? Inventing recipes? Working at a shelter? Building solidarity with other social activists? Raising vegan children? The theme is just a suggestion, of course. You don’t need to be vegan to participate so long as your post isn’t contradictory to the carnival’s dedication to animals, animal liberation, and animal rights. If you write a special interest blog, I encourage you to discuss animals in relation to your blog’s theme. I look forward to reviewing your submissions!

If you’d like to host an issue of this bi-monthly carnival, E-mail veganwonder [at] gmail [dot] com. Vegankid is especially looking for new and low traffic blogs, although anyone is welcome to host.

Please link this post to spread the word.

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4 thoughts on “Carnival of Empty Cages: First Call for Submissions

  1. I’m looking forward to reading the entries. Hey, I MIGHT even post something in honour of it.

    And an even bigger MIGHT volunteer to host it. Just need to get my months sorted when my workload is not so insane.

    Where are the previous months entries? I tried searching on vegankid but didn’t have much luck.

  2. I really hope that you do! Any animal/vegan-related post will do, if youd on’t have time to write osmething specific for the carnival.

    I recommend dropping Vegankid can E-mail so you both can work out what month is best for you.

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