Updated the discussion rules to reflect some new stuff. From now on, it’s explicitly against the rules to state stereotypes as facts. Please update yourself on the new rules before posting, as you will be expected to abide by the rules.
Some Good Reasons to Avoid Adobe CC Jun 3, 2014
Moderation and Free Discussion Jun 8, 2006
Some Good Reasons to Avoid Adobe CC Jun 3, 2014
This is why I hardly read blogs anymore Oct 31, 2010
New post at Better by Design Aug 29, 2010
Gina on Some Good Reasons to Avoid Adobe CC
Wow, that sounds horrifyingly awful. Even more than usual! (...)
(Le côté technique)> The Nymwars + les identités numériques on "Check my what?" On privilege and what we can do about it
[...] un nom est un privilège, une loi particulière, en (...)
Rosy on Think women have achieved equality? Think again.
29.It is not seen as sex discrimination to include harmful (...)
Google+ and my “real” name: Yes, I’m Identity Woman – Identity Woman on "Check my what?" On privilege and what we can do about it
[...] Geek Feminism goes on to share this: Many people, (...)
Steuard on "Check my what?" On privilege and what we can do about it
Thank you for writing the most accessible introduction to (...)