We here at OS.CB blog against sexism all the time, but we know not everyone does. But, really, everyone should. Or at least they should on March 8, which is Blog Against Sexism Day. Vegankid commands you (and so do I!).
What is this Blog against-whatsit? From the official page:
Inspired by the Blog Against Racism Day in December, it was decided that for at least one day we would try to focus the blogosphere on another evil: sexism. While those that write about sexism on a regular basis are gladly asked to join in, we enourage those that never or rarely talk about this important topic to join in. There are no guidelines. All that is asked is that you write at least a little something against sexism. We especially encourage men to challenge themselves and write about the topic.
If I can get off my butt and get a post ready for March 8, then so can you.