Sunday Link Blogging

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3 thoughts on “Sunday Link Blogging

  1. Nice round-up. I read the piece at kblog, too, and thought it was pretty interesting stuff; I had never had to think about the issues she discusses. Cool blog from a cool gal. (No, I don’t have a girl crush on her!!! Kameron, however… 😉 :D)

  2. Thanks ^_^ I’ve had to deal with some of the things kristy discussed when I was with my last boyfriend (he’s Korean). When I first met him he would sometimes complain about the white guys “stealing” all the Korean women, but then turn around and cheer when a Korean guy went with a white girl. It was a half-joke, but still… -.-

    And I have to agree that Kameron is an all around crush-able girl. And I mean that in a totally gay way. 😀

    Now if only I could get my images to do what I want them too on my other post………. 🙁

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