Retiring the blog

So. My life is super busy, I rarely have time to update, moderation has become a chore that I take care of only once a few weeks, and I really don’t have the time and the energy to deal with the abusive comments that I get on a regular basis.

I’m thinking that it might be a good idea to close comments and retire the blog for the foreseeable future. I got a review copy of All the Windwracked Stars by Elizabeth Bear that I need to read and review, but in all likelihood that’s going to be my last post.

The only other workable option I can see happening is if someone wants to take over posting and moderating so I could take a breather without the blog having to. If you have the time and drive to blog here (or even just moderate comments), comment on this post or drop me a line via Shrub’s contact form.

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10 thoughts on “Retiring the blog

  1. Hello. Just popping in to say that I’ll miss your blogging and you if/when it goes 🙁 I couldn’t let you go off though without telling you that Official Shrub’s been invaluable to me; I’ve enjoyed everything here.

    I hope everything goes well for you 😀

  2. I can completely understand the need to shut ‘er down. Might I make a wee suggestion? Put a post up top saying you’re down for (at least) 6 months, or another specific period of time. Keep everything else up (unless its costing you $$ in addition to time). Leave everything in moderation (or turn off comments, if you can). Six months from now you may want to return, and I, for one, will still be checking in to see if you do.

    Or, at least give us all the chance to get on a mailing list for when you do publish again. Because I’m pretty sure you will! 🙂

  3. Hi Tekanji; sorry to hear you’re overwhelmed with abusive comments. Hope the life-busyness is busy in a good way. I am not a blogger, nor was meant to be – just wanted to say thanks, because I’ve enjoyed your posts so much over the last couple of years. You’re so good at systematically thinking through the issues. I hope I’ll get the chance to read your work again sometime. All best,

  4. aeonsomnia: Thanks!

    jeffliveshere: I’m definitely leaving the site up; I’m hosting other sites elsewhere so keeping this one up isn’t costing me anything extra. I’ll think about putting a time frame on it, although realistically I probably won’t have the time/energy to blog until after I graduate (and even then that depends on what my workload turns out to be). Although if I don’t find someone to take over comment moderation I might eventually decide to do a thing where I keep comments off and do infrequent posting.

    As for keeping appraised of new posts, I’d recommend the Shrub RSS feed. Bloglines gives you the option to get an e-mail notification when a feed is updated.

    schauspiele: Thanks 🙂

  5. Before you quit blogging, I wanted you to know something. I came to this blog months ago thinking that I would pick a fight. As a self-described masculist, I saw the sexism inherent in our society, but what I saw was how men were being harmed by it. I was wearing the blinders that come along with privilege. After reading a few of your posts, especially “Think women have achieved equality? Think again!”, I was immediately swayed by your passion and logic. Being exposed to your point of view has led me to understand that issues of gender inequality hurt everyone, and while we could debate who gets hurt more by what, it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that all humans in a sexist society are hurt by that society. You filled me with a new found passion to break down the barriers completely, rather than build those barriers back up in men’s favor. It doesn’t just stop at feminism. You also opened my eyes to ableist hate speech, such as the seemingly acceptable use of the r-word in America today, especially by comedians. I just wanted you to know that even if you never write another word about this subject, you have touched and educated at least one person, and you have changed my life forever. Thank you, Tekanji, and be well.

  6. I find myself dissapointed by this, but honestly, cannot blame you for feeling the way you do. I will say that in spite of not being a regular reader of your blog, that your various articles and other writings that you have linked to have been personally inspirational in regards to my education on feminism 101 and beyond, over the last year or so

    Good luck to you in your future endeavors, and be heartened by the fact that there are people out there that do believe as you do.

  7. Tekanji, two things:

    1) Your “Check My What” article was the one that opened my eyes to privilege. I still link people to it frequently, and I owe you big time for what I learned from it.

    2) I don’t think I’m brave enough to attempt posting (my own blog suffers from enough lack of content), but I would most certainly have the time and motivation to offer to moderation of comments, if you’d like.

    llencelynn (at) gmail (dot) com

    Good luck with school, and I hope your break/retirement does you good.

  8. I can’t overstate the respect and awe I’ve had for you over the years. The prospect of your no longer updating is a sad one, but the onslaught of negative comments is something every feminist forum seems to be plagued with, and I can understand how that must be tiring. Furthermore, with your training in Japan to be part of the videogame industry in full tilt, it’s amazing that you’ve been able to keep on top of current events, as well.

    Good luck in all that you mean to accomplish. I second the motion that you keep this site up in case you feel as if you may return to it, one day. Even if you don’t, the work archived here is precious and I would be sad to see it go down.

  9. I’ve seen some good stuff here, so I’d just like to express my support. I’m very sorry you’ve had to put up with the troll parade!

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