6 thoughts on “Fox News on genderblind college rooming

  1. YouTube cut off for me in its typical YouTube fashion so I couldn’t finish, but Mr. Talky-face sure doesn’t seem to think transgender students deserve “special rights” like, I don’t know, the right that non-trans people have to room with folks of the same gender.

    There are many situations in the United States where women are forced to live with men (manipulative partner, financial bind, minors and abusive guardians). This isn’t one of those cases.

    I love my male roommates, but it certainly was a choice to live with them because I trust them.

    Young guys and girls… like we college students aren’t adult men and women.

  2. It’s crazy that the commentator portrays the genderblind rooming policy as making students not have a choice of which sex person (after all, if gender were considered such a policy might be less necessary) they will be randomly assigned to room with. Certainly students can list that they would prefer to be randomly assigned a room with someone of the same sex, and most people will probably still choose a same-sex roommate they know. These commentators take only the “typical” situation into account and treat potential opposite-sex or transgendered roommates as invaders from another gender. Then again, have we ever seen Faux News understand or communicate nuance?

  3. There are many situations in the United States where women are forced to live with men (manipulative partner, financial bind, minors and abusive guardians). This isn’t one of those cases.

    Next time this comes up on my campus, I’m using your quote! 😀

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