Here I was, trying to read Pandagon because I haven’t checked it out in a couple of weeks. I was minding my own business, looking forward to get my dose of snark against sexism, and WHAM. I was assaulted by the above ad.
This, my friends, is one of the reasons I ceased calling myself a Democrat or liberal a long time ago. You’d expect that a supposedly minority-friendly group would be above reducing women to role of “sexy” date for someone. Or, at least, that they’d shy away from a tit shot and/or use a male model. But then you’d expect wrong.
That is a man, you silly goose. Has it really been that long? 😉
Bah! Leave those liberals, state and corporations apologizers!
From what I have read here, your entries and writing, you seem to fit into the anarcha-feminist group… Maybe I am wrong :P.