‘Twas not so long ago when bucaneers ruled the seas and we pirates were swinging the lead. Arr, it pains me even now to think of how many adventures we missed while taking a caulk. One day it so chanced that a couple of pirates were given quarter by some Long Clothes named Dave of Barry. This Barry was charged with the task of spreading the word of piracy to all the privateers, and so, under threat of the black spot, “International Talk Like A Pirate” day was formed. Now it is our sworn duty to observe this sacred day every 19th of September. Fail, and ye shall find yerself walking the plank.
Today be not a day for lubbers, but for pirates born and bred! If ye have the courage, then find yer sea legs and go on account.
Piratey Links:
- The Original “Talk Like A Pirate” Site
- Piratey lingo: Why talk like a pirate – and how & Pirate Talk
- Other Mates: Captain Athena & Admiral Lauren