Due to some technical difficulties involving me not upgrading WP as fast as I should have, Shrub was down for an undetermined amount of time (I was sleeping) and is now operating under the default theme.
When I get a chance I will get everything working again, but the important stuff is back and I’m late for school.
ETA: Okay, the theme seems to be mostly working. The major changes to the database that came with the upgrade seriously broke my layout. Which I knew it would, which is why I put off upgrading. Anyway, the links are currently ugly, but they work so I’m going to leave off until the weekend before I start digging through WP code on how to fix that. If you find any problems in the meantime, drop me a note here.
Whoa, I leave for a few hours and everything’s all wordpressified! o.O
Yeah, and it was still broken.
It took me like 3 hours total to do something that should have only taken an hour, thanks to having absolutely no idea that Dreamhost was going to shut down older versions of WP. I think someone may have exploited a security hole in the code, though, because I had like 9 pieces of spam in my moderation queue, which is unprecedented since I started using Akismet.
Is spam very common on wordpress? I use blogger right now and I hardly get any — then again, that could just be because there aren’t a whole lot of people who read my blog :p
It’s common on any blog that gets linked a lot. I’m slightly surprised that you aren’t getting some from my link to you; when Hugo put me on his blogroll I started getting a huge influx of spam that lead to me looking into various spam-blocking plugins.
…maybe mediocrity has its benefits :p I used to get some on my LJ, but right now the only stuff I’m dealing with isn’t spam per se, just some guys from some other forum who think it’s cool to come and try to stir shit up on my blog. I’d almost rather have spam :p
But it’s nice to know that spam doesn’t automatically come with the territory, so to speak, of having wordpress. I think that’s one more point in its favour.
Tell me about it. Even with my moderation policy I still get comments that make my eyes burn. Spam is much easier to deal with because I don’t have to think about it; just mark it as spam and move on.