I was recently made aware of a report from the Institute for Global Health by Anthony S. DiStefano documenting violence involving sexual minorities in Japan in 2003-2004. The report, entitled Report on Violence Involving Sexual Minorities in Japan, is available in both English and Japanese.
This study aimed to determine whether lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons in Japan experience violence: 1) directed against them because of their sexual orientation or gender identity (i.e., bashing); 2) occurring within intimate partner dyads; 3) by or against family members; and 4) toward the self. Additional goals were to identify the perceived health impacts of such violence, describe how these issues are defined and understood within the Japanese context, characterize the socio-cultural environment that influences the occurrence of violence, and identify specific areas of inquiry that future studies can examine in further depth.
Via the feminist LJ.
I’m really interested in this topic. Do you by any chance have any more information relating to issues similar to this one?
If you have access to a university library or have another way to find the articles referenced in the paper, I’d recommend that.
For a more general overview of homosexuality in Japan, there’s Male Homosexuality and Popular Culture in Modern Japan and I’d highly recommend checking out the book Queer Japan.