21 thoughts on “Happy Birthday to Me!

  1. Happy birthday and congrats on making it to the illustrious, sophisticated age of 24! I am sending you an incredibly rich flourless chocolate cake with caramel sauce telepathically. Enjoy.

  2. Hoppy Birdie Two Ewe!
    Hoppy Birdie Two Ewe!
    Hoppy Birdie, Dear (deep breath) Andrea Rubenstein also known by the online pen name of tekanji!

    Hoppy Birdie Two Ewe!

  3. Turning 24 huh?Just wait until you reach the big 25 like me in a month.Mid 20s crisis here I come 🙁

  4. You are now in your mid-twenties. I liked my mid-twenties. My late twenties were even better. My early thirties were tough but rewarding. I expect you’ve got a lot of good things ahead of you. Happy birthday.

  5. Happy belated birthday! We’re so much closer in age than I suspected, but I never reveal mine if I can help it. Ageism sucks. Hope you had a wonderful day of celebrating!

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